
The Invitation

My Beloved Child, do you not yet know that I long to meet with you each day? Come and bring to me all of your burdens, all of your cares and concerns and allow Me to show you My perspective. Allow Me to show you My Goodness, My Kindness, My faithfulness and My generosity.

Allow My waves of love to crash over you and wash off the day. 

Allow Me to show Myself faithful in every area. Is there even one solution that does not belong to Me? Is there anything that can escape My Hand? Can anything escape My gaze? Is anything hidden from Me? Where can you go that I cannot find you? What have you done that I cannot rescue you from? Where is My Hand limited to your own understanding? Is there anything difficult for Me? Why do you fail to trust Me? Have I not shown Myself faithful? Allow Me to shoulder every burden. Am I not well able to bear every concern? Am I not concerned about all that concerns you? Is there even one detail that I am not acquainted with? 

Come in to the Sanctuary of My Presence and allow the Atmosphere of Shalom to become your Oasis in every dry and thirsty moment. When you come weak, weary, and heavy laden, overwhelmed and under the weight of the burdens that you have been carrying alone, allow Me to unpack everything that concerns you, in the Light of My Presence, for My yoke is easy and My burden is Light. Lay every burden at My feet as you fully surrender every concern unto My Mighty Hand, that is well able. 

I invite you continually to feast at My table, of infinite, abundant supply, where every need is met in abundance, with left-overs, more than enough, where every lie of lack is extinguished, every longing of your heart is saturated and satiated with My Love. Allow Me to wrap you and envelop you in My Words of Love over you, where every area of concern, falls to the ground, all confusion dissipates and the weight of every burden and concern is lifted in the Light of My Presence and the Revelation that truly My Hand is upon you and I am well able to supply all of your needs. 

Let every trapping of this world fall away, let every snare set you free, let every shackle that holds you, fall to the ground, let the prison doors swing open wide, let freedom wash over you, let every cord break, let every weed be plucked up, let every lie fall to the ground, let the Light of My Living Word fall over you like a fountain of Nourishment and Rescue and Restoration. 

Allow the Hand that planted you, to be the Hand that Waters you and tends to your every need. Allow that same hand to uphold you and sustain you. Allow nothing else to distract you or to take precedence over this process. Rest in the safety of My Embrace. 

Every area of searching and seeking is satisfied. Every need to be seen, known, valued, loved and understood at your innermost core, is fulfilled in the Light of My Love, as you drink My Living Water of Understanding and you suddenly know that all is well. You begin to come up higher as your Spirit transcends your earthly mind and understanding and you begin to be Awakened to Truth. It is within the borders of Truth that you truly find safety and security. 

You were made for Me. You are Mine and I am yours. As I knit you together, I created within you a need and desire for Me, that nothing else will ever satisfy. You were created for Me, within an innate need of Me. I created you out of My Love. From Myself, from My own Love, I created you and I wove it into every fiber of your being. In My Presence, every part of you comes alive and resonates with Vitality, Life, Love, Purpose, Clarity and Passion. 

Every area that you have looked for man to fill with Love, with affirmation, with approval, with understanding, for connection, belongs to Me. You cannot ever be satisfied until you are first found and filled in Me. You cannot add to anyone else, what you did not yet find in Me. 

Each must find Me and be filled by Me and not by another, because no man will ever measure up to fill a space that was created only for Me, by Me, for only Me to inhabit. When that space is fully and truly filled by Me, all others can benefit from your fullness. You can give away My Love that never runs out. You can flow in rivers and rivers of My Love, because My well never runs dry. 

You must not ever look to another to find what only I can give you. No one can ever measure up to fill the capacity that was only meant for Me. Come and sit with Me. Drink deeply. Be filled. It is My greatest delight. I smile as I watch you drink from the ancient wells that were always meant to be your source. Nothing else will do. Nothing else can truly satisfy. 

This is My Invitation to You each and every day. Come and sit with Me. Be still and KNOW. I Am with you always. I am for you. I long for you. I wait for you each day. I am waiting for you even now. Come and sit with Me and allow Me to do what only I can do. Allow Me to restore every part of you and bring you back into Wholeness as you were created to be. 

You are my own architecture and design. You are My landscape of creation. You are intricately created by My Love. Each detail, I designed by My own hand. You came forth by My own imagination, birthed from My Love. Do not despise My artistry, for I delight in My own Creation. I delight in you, My child. You are My masterpiece and my work of art. I will not fail to continue to put the finishing touches on the tapestry of My creation, as I saw it, before the foundation of time and as I established it Eternity. 

Let every expectation that you have ever placed on man, be turned over to Me. Only I can truly satisfy and fulfill every need, every longing, every hope, every dream. Only I am able, to never fail you, nor forsake you. Only I am able to measure up to every expectation that you have searched for in man. I am jealous for your affections and attention. Let your eye be single and allow Me to bring you the increase and addition to your life, do I not only have plans for your good, plans for your future, plans to prosper you and not to harm you? Am I not the Author and the Finisher? 

Be still and Know Beloved, I cannot fail you. I shall never depart from you. I never take My eyes off of you, for you, My Love, are My greatest Treasure, My deepest Love. You are My own Inheritance. I created you for Myself. Never underestimate your value or your worth, because, I, Myself established it. I made it so. It cannot be undone. You can only fail to recognize and receive it, but it can never be undone, for do you not yet know that My Love is Eternal? It is Everlasting to Everlasting. It is the foundation on which you were created from and unto. It has already been established. 

Sit and soak in it. Allow My Love to permeate every part of your being. Allow it to saturate and soak into every thought, every experience, every situation, every person you have ever known. Allow it to flow like a River of Healing into your heart, the crevices of your mind and soak into your physical body. This River of Healing will transform your physical body, from the inside to the outside. It will bring Healing to every area, every space and every place. 

Allow Me to soak you in the Truth of My Love. Allow My Love to penetrate every wall of trauma, every stony area of your hardened heart, that you erected to keep safe. Allow me to dismantle your walls of self-preservation and step into the safety of My Fortress of Love for you. The safety of My arms and the Love found in My embrace leads you beside still waters, into the blanket of Shalom that is your Inheritance found in Me. 

Your measure of Shalom will be based on your level of Revelation of My Love for you and what belongs to you in Me and what is available to you in Me and what I have stored up for you to receive. Come and step into the depths of what is available to you. I long to give you what is already yours. I long for you to receive it and delight in Me, as I, in you. 

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